Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP)
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In its 2016 Communication on a European Space Strategy the Commission states that «The Commission’s aim is to optimize the benefits that space brings to society and the wider EU economy. Achieving this means boosting demand among public and private users, facilitating access to and use of space data, and stimulating the development and use of innovative downstream applications. It also means ensuring the continuity and user-driven development of EU space programs.»
A principal element of achieving this aim is to enhance user uptake of Copernicus data and services. The Commission has defined a User Uptake Strategy, identifying objectives, key principles and 16 specific actions to implement user uptake measures in the framework of Copernicus.
The FPCUP consortium has scoped the actions to be implemented under the FPCUP in an Action Plan, which is an Annex to the FPA between the Commission and the Consortium. This Action Plan describes five types of activities to be implemented:
National and multi-national information- and training events, including workshops conduct-ed by national institutions
Building an active dialogue with actors in these measures regarding their needs
Developing downstream applications and services, both for public institutions or companies with a need for EO-services
Piloting downstream applications and services for public institutions in different Member States or Copernicus Participating States
Promoting national and multi-national innovative actions.
This Work Programme 2019 defines an implementation choice for actions in these five areas. Fol-lowing the original Caroline Herschel FPA Call, actions are presented in three Tiers:
National User Uptake
Global actions, including European cross border and international user uptake
Business solutions and innovative products and applications